Monday, February 17, 2020

February 18th, 2020

Tuesday, February 18th, 2020

Please note times indicates a general time of day we should be doing these lessons. Today is a very heavy workload. Since Monday was a Daddy day. Tuesday is our heavy school load day.

6:00 am till 8:00 am

Breakfast and Bible Time 

ArtyScout and DinoScout Home Economics in the Morning and Self Care

If extra time is available Music and Art time

English: 8:00 am till 8:45 am

The Good and The Beautiful

Climbing to Good English

Spelling Power / BJU Spelling

Math: 8:45 till 9:30 

Dry Erase Board Math Lesson combining

  1. Abecka Grade 6
  2. BJU Grade 6
  3. Saxon Math 

Online Lessons: 9:30 till 10:00

Easy Peasy Online Program 10:00 am till 11:30 am

ArtyScout ep assignments
DinoScout ep assignments

(Do Day 3 assigned work)
(Write definitions in your vocabulary notebook.)
(Use your individual notebooks for each subject)

*Math Prime Numbers & Prime Factorization


Math and Lunch: 11:30am until 12:15pm

(reward your self-read and draw online)

(reward your self-read and draw online)

(reward your self and play a game or two for 10 minutes max)

(Write definition in your vocabulary and math notebook{s}. )

(Write definition in your vocabulary and math notebook{s}. )

(reward your self and play a puzzle or two for 10 minutes max)


Car Schooling:

Tutoring Phonics Class 1pm till 2pm

Tutoring Writing Class 2:45pm till 3:45pm

Physical Therapy Time: 4pm till 5pm
Physical Therapy for mamas spine.
  • Abecka History
  • Abecka Science
  • BJU History
  • BJU Science
  •  Free Play on Cellphones after lessons 
Physical Education 5:15 till 5:30pm

  • Stretch and do yoga. Run a lap walk a lap. Run a lap. Walk a lap.
  • Write out your daily exercise plan for scouting.
  • Restroom Break and Snack: Celery with peanut butter! An orange and cheese!
BSA Hammonds New Female Troop 
Our first official meeting.

BSA Orienteering

Orienteering Merit Badge

Please note this Blog is meant to help my own students to be able to earn this Merit Badge. This Blog is ran and managed by the scouts themselves plus all members of our family. We are currently studying the same subjects in our homeschool. The content in this blog is not attended to replace BSA materials but rather to organize all our materials into one place. We attend as a family to add photos, videos, youtube videos, and any other content we can find that relates to this subject below! I hope this can help your scout! Our scouts are new to scouting.  Have any comments to share or suggested changes?

Merit_Badge_Orienteering  (scouts)

references-requirements  (scouts)

worksheet (scouts)

game  (adult leadership)

Compass_Game  (adult leadership)

Compass_Line_Game  (adult leadership)

Orienteering Map Legends Scales Etc  (adult leadership)

Requirements for the Orienteering merit badge:

  1. Show that you know first aid for the types of injuries that could occur while orienteering, including cuts, scratches, blisters, snakebite, insect stings, tick bites, heat and cold reactions (sunburn, heatstroke, heat exhaustion, hypothermia), and dehydration. Explain to your counselor why you should be able to identify poisonous plants and poisonous animals that are found in your area.
  2. Explain what orienteering is.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Explain how a compass works. Describe the features of an orienteering compass.
    2. In the field, show how to take a compass bearing and follow it.
  4. Do the following:
    1. Explain how a topographic map shows terrain features. Point out and name five terrain features on a map and in the field.
    2. Point out and name 10 symbols on a topographic map.
    3. Explain the meaning of declination. Tell why you must consider declination when using map and compass together.
    4. Show a topographic map with magnetic north-south lines.
    5. Show how to measure distances on a map using an orienteering compass.
    6. Show how to orient a map using a compass.
  5. Set up a 100-meter pace course. Determine your walking and running pace for 100 meters. Tell why it is important to pace-count.
  6. Do the following:
    1. Identify 20 international control description symbols. Tell the meaning of each symbol.
    2. Show a control description sheet and explain the information provided.
    3. Explain the following terms and tell when you would use them: attack point, collecting feature, catching feature, aiming off, contouring, reading ahead, handrail, relocation, rough versus fine orienteering.
  7. Do the following:
    1. Take part in three orienteering events. One of these must be a cross-country course.*
    2. After each event, write a report with (1) a copy of the master map and control description sheet , (2) a copy of the route you took on the course, (3) a discussion of how you could improve your time between control points, and (4) a list of your major weaknesses on this course . Describe what you could do to improve.
  8. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Set up a cross-country course that is at least 2,000 meters long with at least five control markers. Prepare the master map and control description sheet.
    2. Set up a score orienteering course with at least 12 control points and a time limit of at least 60 minutes. Set point values for each control. Prepare the master map and control description sheet.
  9. Act as an official during an orienteering event. This may be during the running of the course you set up for requirement 8.
  10. Teach orienteering techniques to your patrol, troop or crew.

Note to the Counselor: While orienteering is primarily an individual sport, BSA Youth Protection procedures call for using the buddy system. Requirement 7a can be completed by pairs or groups of Scouts.

Suggested Links:

Canadian Orienteering Federation 

Orienteering USA 

U.S. Geological Survey 

A&E Orienteering

Army Navy Sales

Berman’s Orienteering Supply
** No link provided

The Compass Store

Orienteering Unlimited Inc.

Scarborough Orienteering

Uncle Sam’s Army Navy Outfitters

Our families Suggested Videos:

What we have learned so far and wish to share:

*Arty Scout

* DinoScout

Feb 2022