March 30th, 2020
This week we are learning via exploring BSA merit badges.
ArtyScout & DinoScout decided to take most classes together so they can make the most of this time in scouting include family. The scouts are attending some online classes during this national Covid-19 order to stay home. The scouts are Meeting with their counselors online and then working in the BSA workbook. Some classes require doing special requirements before class. Below is a list of things my scouts should do before class.
Also is a list of additional things we might be working on as a whole. I'm keeping a log of what my scouts are doing so I can help them stay focused and so that I have a record for homeschool. A scout is supposed to do a Merit Badge with the help of a counselor and not primarily a family member. This teaches the child to be independent and goal-oriented. Some times you will see a post solely written by me other times by my scout with my help
DinoScout did take a class independently last week without ArtyScout. The scouts are taking and doing there own lessons and projects. Daddy and I the parents are observing and writing down notes that the scouts mention so we can come back later and share the information here on our blog. A Parent is required in the room during an online meeting. Scouting is meant to be fun yet a learning experience. Online Merit Badge classes are not normally how scouts attend a class. Generally, scouts earn Meir Badges by attending summer camps, day camps, as a group in a troop, or individually. All scouts must get permission to start a merit badge from there troop leaders before starting a Merit Badge.
Do you have anything left to turn in digitally?
Have you e-mailed all our counselors to thank them? Coin Collecting, Safety, Public Health, Citizenship in the World
Have you saved a digital copy of your Merit Badge for your record-keeping?
Have you saved all physical paperwork into a binder?
Have you contacted your troop leader to let them know you have completed your portion of the MB?
Did it all⍰ Pat your self on the back!
This Week's Online Merit Badge Classes
As a quick reminder, some of the online Merit Badges are in different time zones here is a helpful website to convert your class times. world clock converter
Counselors and scouts are reminded to include the email address of the scout’s parent on any digital communication in accordance with BSA Youth Protection Policy.
As a quick reminder, some of the online Merit Badges are in different time zones here is a helpful website to convert your class times. world clock converter
Counselors and scouts are reminded to include the email address of the scout’s parent on any digital communication in accordance with BSA Youth Protection Policy.
Bird Study (I have not made a blog post yet for this class)
March 30th, 2020 3 - 4 pm
This class will be held only one day. The class will be one hour long.
Online from: Rapid City, SD
meritbadgemondays online actions science biology_place
March 30th, 2020 3 - 4 pm
This class will be held only one day. The class will be one hour long.
Online from: Rapid City, SD
meritbadgemondays online actions science biology_place
Genealogy (I have not made a blog post yet for this class)
April 1st, 2020 1 - 4 pm
This class will be held only one day. The class will be three hours long.
Online from: Metairie, Louisiana
April 1st, 2020 1 - 4 pm
This class will be held only one day. The class will be three hours long.
Online from: Metairie, Louisiana
April 1st, 2020 5 - 6 pm
This class will be held only one day. The class will be one hour long.
Online from: Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
You have one pre-req to do #5
Do ONE of the following and keep a record (cost sheet).
Use the sales techniques you have learned, and share your experience with your counselor:
- (a) Help your unit raise funds through sales of merchandise or of tickets to a Scout event.
- (b) Sell your services such as lawn raking or mowing, pet watching, dog walking, snow shoveling, and car washing to your neighbors. Follow up after the service has been completed and determine the customer’s satisfaction.
- (c) Earn money through retail selling
Family Life (I have not made a blog post yet for this class)
April 4th, 2020 8 - 11am
This class will be held only one day. The class will be three hours long.
Online from:
Scouts will receive an email with a link to the Zoom session for the merit badge in which they are enrolled.
Online from:
Scouts will receive an email with a link to the Zoom session for the merit badge in which they are enrolled.
Family Life – Annette Felty, counselor -
You have all the Prerequisites to-do before April 2nd they must be e-mailed.
1. Provide your written outline for requirement 1.
2. Provide your written list for requirement 2.
3. Prepare and provide your chart for requirement 3.
4. Provide your written report for requirement 4.
5. Provide written objectives, participation records and project results for requirement 5.
6. For requirement 6 provide a written outline/plan for a family council and the notes of what you learned from your family meeting regarding the topics listed in the merit badge book.
7. Be prepared to discuss requirement 7.
2. Provide your written list for requirement 2.
3. Prepare and provide your chart for requirement 3.
4. Provide your written report for requirement 4.
5. Provide written objectives, participation records and project results for requirement 5.
6. For requirement 6 provide a written outline/plan for a family council and the notes of what you learned from your family meeting regarding the topics listed in the merit badge book.
7. Be prepared to discuss requirement 7.
MAHJONG Tiles East South West North
Virtual Field Trip Mount Vernon
Dinoscout got excited last week when she was in Coin Collecting Merit Badge Class because someone showed a coin from mount Vernon and she likes mount, Vernon. We watch as a family a cooking show about a German Cook who cooks in the kitchen at Mount Vernon. Did you know that is a famous kitchen? The kitchen even has its own name! Also after Coin Collecting Merit Badge Class last week the children contacted there grandparents to see what type of coins they have in there own collections.
Assignment: This is a listen-only assignment kids!
While drawing, doing physical exercises, playing with legos, or other free time we will be listening to YouTube CC Cycle 1 Week 6
Drawing the Scouts found an online live art class they love!
From Co-OP school e-mail:
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16
In the midst of so many things around us being temporarily paused or canceled and our lives as we knew them turned upside down, let us hold tight to, reflect on, and act upon the truths and instructions that are neither gone nor postponed and will continue to withstand the test of time. Things such as:
Faith (1 Corinthians 2:5, Psalm 46:10) Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. - Hebrews 11:1
Prayer (Psalm 145:18, Romans 12:12) Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus. - 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Love (John 13:34, John 15:12) Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you. - Ephesians 4:32
Grace (Lamentations 3:23, Hebrews 4:16) But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. - 2 Corinthians 12:9
Kindness (Galatians 6:9, Proverbs 3:3, Matthew 7:12) Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. - Proverbs 12:25
Confindence (John 14:6, Hebrews 13:8, Jeremiah 17:7-8) The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid? - Psalm 27:1
Perseverance (James 1:12, Romans 5:3-4) Day after day in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah. - Acts 5:42
May it be our hearts' desire that, in the midst of the chaos, we are found faithful in striving to be the salt and light of this world as instructed in Matthew 5:13-15. These simple truths have been on my heart and I pray they encourage you and your family. May God be glorified in all that we do and say!
In addition to taking Online Merit Badges this week, the kids have started some independent merit badges with there counselors' permission. The other Merit Badges are goal-oriented and most will take a minimum of 3 months to finish.
Personal Fitness, Skating, Reading, Dog, Pet Care
Also, ArtyScouts Troop is working on Citizenship in Community yet due to Covid-19 this Merit Badge is being done in a different process since the scouts will not be able to do volunteering at this time. The scouts will be doing Zoom meetings to discuss.
DinoScout is working on First Aid Merit Badge with a counselor from her original troop; she is 93% done with the Merit Badge and will be able to do the rest online this week. ArtyScout can re-start this Merit Badge if he has another scout to do the Merit Badge with DaddyScout can teach you. ArtyScout is 13% done on this Merit Badge.
First Aid:
Assignment: ArtyScout if you want to work on this you need to contact Mrs. Chris
DinoScout you are almost finished with this: 90% done kiddo!
DinoScout You know the four things you have left to do to finish this. 90% done kiddo!
Just in case you forgot:
- Send photos via e-mail to Mrs. Allyson your First Aid Merit Badge Counselor or Video call her. If you decided to video call her you must contact her first via e-mail to make sure it's okay. And mommy or daddy must be in the room at the time. That is a BSA rule for safety. Also when you e-mail her make sure to also tag another adult into the e-mail. That is also a BSA rule for safety. Two adults always must be present with a scout.
- Make a personal First Aid, take a photo,video, or live video of you making the first aid kit.
- Make a First Aid Kit for your troop, take a photo and video of you making the first aid kit and explain its contents and the use of the items in the kit. Our troop is brand new and we do not have a first aid kit yet.
- Mrs. Allyson your First Aid Merit Badge Counselor has given you permission to learn with your father the EMT-Firefighter and a First Aid Merit Badge Counselor himself how to use and Explain the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED)
- I added a number 5; likely Daddy will rego over all of the requirements with you.
Assignment: Make a game plan for these two Merit Badges and remember to chart your progress.
These are your independent Merit Badges. If you need assistance ask me or e-mail, your counselor.
BSA Pets Merit Badge
During PE this week we are focusing on :
Assignment: Read the requirements for Physical Fitness Merit Badge.
Assignment: Make a plan! This is your plan! Think!Assignment: Type up and Print off your Fitness Plan
Assignment: Look up online Fitness Plan ideas or templates.
Assignment: If you think you need help staying focused; let other's know your plan so they can help keep you on track. Maybe you can make a family plan.
Morning Yoga with Cosmic Kids (mama's pick)
Skating Merit Badge (the scouts picked this)
Kids did you like any of these? Would you change anything from today's plans? Was creating a fitness plan helpful to you? We have 3 Health/Fitness Plans books in the School Room!
The Physical Fitness Merit badge is a an Eagle Scout Requirement. The scouts are doing this Merit Badge independently. Their individual troops are recording their progress. The scouts will report to there troop leaders each meeting with an update on their progress from the last meeting. The scouts must chart there own fitness plan for 90 days. Likely this Merit Badge might be worked on for the next 4 or so months.
Cosmic Kids is a Yoga Class we have been viewing online for a few years now. Its silly!
The Skating Merit Badge! DinoScout has been wanting to do this Merit Badge since the first week she started scouting. The first event she did with her original scouting troop was Ice Skating. Ice Skating was not her thing. She gave it her best and got to know her new troop. Last week I mentioned to DinoScout that a leader in her troop mentioned he is a counselor for the Skating Merit Badge and she got all excited. Officially the scouts are not starting this Merit Badge yet. But both scouts were excited to try this Merit Badge. For Christmas, I went from store to store looking for skates for the children. I had given up looking locally for adult size skates in their sizes. And there I was in Goodwell one day and behind the counter sat two pairs of skates and there were in my kid's sizes. WOW! The kids have been wanting to skate since Christmas; its March now and they have only skated a handful of times due to the weather this year. So they plan to teach themselves to skate this coming month. Watch out world here they come; there first set of wheels.
During free time I know you kids love to read. Here is the link you asked for DinoScout:
Assignment: Read the requirements for BSA Reading Merit Badge
Let mom or dad know if you need help with anything.
Yes BSA, Scouting has a Merit Badge for Reading! Exciting! DinoScout asked for me to start her on this Merit Badge. After reading the requirements ArtyScout decided he also wanted to do this.
DinoScout the following are other Merit Badges you have credit for yet are not completed.
Pioneering: 38%
Michael Scarlato
(601) 701-6451
Michael has been assigned as Alia's merit badge counselor for this badge. Merit badge counselors are the only adults authorized to approve work on merit badges.

Tower OR bridge
Anchor your project as appropriate and necessary. Explain how your anchoring system works. Group A projects may be worked on in a group and with others.
Group B: Camp chair OR camp table
Group B projects must be worked on individually.
Scouting Heritage 63%
Please note you don't currently have a couclor for this Merit Badge. We need to find you one before you work on anything below.
Do ONE of the following:
| |||||||
Learn about the history of your unit or Scouting in your area. Interview at least two people (one from the past and one from the present) associated with your troop. These individuals could be adult unit leaders, Scouts, troop committee members, or representatives of your troop’s chartered organization. Find out when your unit was originally chartered. Create a report of your findings on the history of your troop, and present it to your patrol or troop or at a court of honor, and then add it to the troop’s library. This presentation could be in the form of an oral/written report, an exhibit, a scrapbook, or a computer presentation such as a slide show. | |||||||
Make a collection of some of your personal patches and other Scouting memorabilia. With their permission, you may include items borrowed from family members or friends who have been in Scouting in the past, or you may include photographs of these items. Show this collection to your counselor, and share what you have learned about items in the collection. (There is no requirement regarding how large or small this collection must be.) | |||||||
Reproduce the equipment for an old-time Scouting game such as those played at Brownsea Island. You may find one on your own (with your counselor’s approval), or pick one from the Scouting Heritage merit badge pamphlet. Teach and play the game with other Scouts. | |||||||
Interview at least three people (different from those you interviewed for requirement 5) over the age of 40 who were Scouts. Find out about their Scouting experiences. Ask about the impact that Scouting has had on their lives. Share what you learned with your counselor. A Note about #4 for Scouting Heritage
NOTE: Scouts that wish to use Option b for completing Requirement 4, and choose to write the National Scouting Museum, must send a letter or e-mail to the address below. Here's the procedure:
Scouts send in more than 1,000 letters every year (in 2013, that accounted for 28 percent of all Scouts who earned this MB), and while the museum staff strives to send information within three weeks, there are times when that is not possible.
Next week's Merit Badge Class is an Eagle Scout requirement! ArtyScout is excited to be completing so many Eagle Scout Required Merit Badges. π° He paid for this class himself.
Personal Management ( Blog post is in edit mode)
April 7th & April 8th & April 9th from 1 - 2pm
This class will be held over a few days. The class will be one hour long each day.
Online from: Shreveport, Louisiana
This will likely be your homework:
Complete and provide all paperwork required for Requirement 1. 2.
Complete and provide all paperwork required for Requirement 2. 3.
Be prepared to thoroughly discuss requirements 3, 4, 5, 10. 4.
Provide written reports for each of these requirements 6, 7, 5.
Complete and provide evidence of completing Requirements 8 and 9
April 7th & April 8th & April 9th from 1 - 2pm
This class will be held over a few days. The class will be one hour long each day.
Online from: Shreveport, Louisiana
This will likely be your homework:
Complete and provide all paperwork required for Requirement 1. 2.
Complete and provide all paperwork required for Requirement 2. 3.
Be prepared to thoroughly discuss requirements 3, 4, 5, 10. 4.
Provide written reports for each of these requirements 6, 7, 5.
Complete and provide evidence of completing Requirements 8 and 9
An addition for the fun of it the scouts are taking the Insect Merit Badge. ( Blog post coming soon)