Sunday, September 16, 2018

family notes Week 10 - September 16th - 22nd, 2018

September 16th - 22nd, 2018 

Makeup worksheets for History and Science

Monday :
Apologia Botany Science - Lesson 2 - teacher read early in the morning before heading out for the day.
History - let's listen to STOW Volume 3 during the car ride.
Math - TT4 on the laptops during the car ride.
Math Binder
Math - Saxon Math 4/5   Lesson # 
English - Grammar BJU 3   Lesson # 
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4    Lesson # 
Spelling - Textbook - Lesson #
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 

DinoGal and Mommy day out to the state capital museum, old state capital museum and USS KIDD sleepover on the ship. (prepaid trip)

ArtyScout goes to grandparents for the day.
Artys Scout - sleepover at greandparents house.

ArtyScout goes to grandparents for the day.
Rebels Wednesdays maybe
Late start to the day due to the sleepover field trip.

DinoGal Schedule:
Classical Conservation Cycle 3 Week 10
Math - Saxon Math 4/5   Lesson # 
English - Grammar BJU 3   Lesson # 
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4    Lesson # 
Spelling - Textbook - Lesson #
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science other
Art Project

Co-op Day
      Physical Education Class
      Building Young Writers Class

Thursday After co-op:

Math - Saxon Math 4/5   Lesson # 
English - Grammar BJU 3   Lesson # 
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4    Lesson # 
Spelling - Textbook - Lesson #
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science other
Art Project
History - let's listen to STOW Volume 3 during the car ride.
Math - TT4 on the laptops during the car ride.
Classical Conservation Cycle 3 Week 10

Math Binder

Friday Morning:

WW2 Museum (prepaid trip) 
Classical Conservation Cycle 3 Week 10

DinoGal Sleepover at Aunt B.

History - let's listen to STOW Volume 3 during the car ride.
Math - TT4 on the laptops during the car ride.
Apologia Zoology Science - Lesson 2 - teacher read early in the morning before heading out for the day. Listen to Audiobook if possible. 
Math Binder
Math - Saxon Math 4/5   Lesson # 
English - Grammar BJU 3   Lesson # 
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
History - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4    Lesson # 
Spelling - Textbook - Lesson #
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  Lesson #
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  Lesson # 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  Lesson # 


The Natural History of New Orleans City Park Dragonfly

4-H shooting class in Covington 
(prepaid trip all 4 house members)

USS KIDD Sleepover 
(prepaid trip for FireDad & ArtyScout)

Sunday, September 9, 2018

family notes September 9th -15th, 2018

September 9th -15th, 2018 

Math Binder✅
Makeup worksheets for History and Science

Monday Morning:
Botany Science - Wild Explorers Fall Seed Sock Walk
Our first meet up of the season at one of our favorite spots from last season! While there we will visit four ecosystems, experiencing the sights and sounds of a Tupelo/cypress swamp, a bottomland hardwood forest, a mixed pine/ hardwood forest, and the Tickfaw River. From the Nature Center, we will take a round trip stroll on the boardwalk, followed by a hike on a nearby trail. At the halfway mark on the trail is a playground, tables and restroom area, where we can take a break, play and enjoy a picnic before returning to the parking lot. Our theme will be Seeds, Seeds, Seeds and we will discuss the ways seeds are dispersed throughout our area. **Bring an old pair of socks to slip on over our shoes for the seed sock walk as well as a baggie to put the socks in! *

Monday Afternoon:
Once we get back home for the day:
Math - Saxon Math 4/5  
English - Grammar BJU 3  
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read  
History - BJU3 - worksheet   
Science - Abecka 4DinoGal Read 
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4   
Spelling - Textbook - Lesson #
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  
Science - BJU3ArtyScout Read  
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  

Math - Saxon Math 4/5  
English - Grammar BJU 3 
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N 
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read 
History - BJU3 - worksheet
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read 
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4 
Spelling - Textbook - 
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet 
Apologia Human Anatomy
Art Project

Tuesday Night:

Cub Scouts - Arrow of Light- boys learned how to tie knots.


Math - Saxon Math 4/5   
English - Grammar BJU 3   
Spelling - BJU 3A 4N   
History - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read 
History - BJU3 - worksheet 
Science - Abecka 4 - DinoGal Read 
Math - Math Game  -  X-traMath Tablet
English - Grammar Abecka 4 
Spelling - Textbook -
History - Abecka 7 - DinoGal Read  
Science - BJU3 - ArtyScout Read 
Science - BJU3 - worksheet  
Science other
Art Project

" Arty has an ear infection"

Co-op Day
      Physical Education Class
      Building Young Writers Class

" Arty has an ear infection"

Audubon Nature Center Field Trip

Today we dissected a perch fish and took a nature walk.

Audubon Nature Center and wetlands dissection... Today the older students dissected a perch (fish). We learned some interesting terms. ArtyScout table had a female fish. DinoGal table had a male fish.  ArtyScout and I identified a few plants on our nature walk. This was a neat field trip.

Anthony’s Baby Shower - Zachery

Feb 2022