Monday, March 2, 2020

March 3rd, 2020

Tuesday, March  3rd, 2020


bsa-orienteering - A skill you might wish to learn this month before camp.


Physical Education 

  • Stretch and do yoga. Run a lap walk a lap. Run a lap. Walk a lap.
  • Write out your daily exercise plan for scouting.


Classical Conversations Cycle 1 Week 4
  1. Review Flashcards
  2. CD
  3. youtube video
  4. Worksheet - Binder

My Father's World
  1. Checklist
  2. Read Books related to topics
  3. Math Facts Drill (5 minutes max)


Bob Jones University (BJU) Spelling 

Climbing to Good English Level 4 

The Good and The Beautiful



Teaching Textbooks

Mama's Lesson combo on the chalkboard - Abecka, BJU, Saxon


Dino Scout EP assignments

✅"Today we went into great lengths discussing some of the topics. The family has also been sick for a week."

Day 5 - Day 6  Review           Level 5-8** 

  • Bible key topic: 

    1. The Book of Luke
  • Language Arts key topic: 

    1. Editing sentences gaming style
  • Reading key topic:  

    1. Poetry - Robert Frost 
    2. Write in your notebook: foliage, fleckedknoll
    3. Vocabulary
  • Math key topic: 

    1. distributive property
    2. GCF
    3. adding and subtracting fractions
    4. common denominators 
    5. adding fractions
    6. subtracting fractions
    7. adding mixed numbers 
    8. use unlike denominators  
    9. ** Also Khan Academy Videos
  • Spanish key topic: 

    1. Look up the Latin, Spanish, and French words for those English meanings. 
    2. Listen to a specifics story in multiple languages this week.
  • Science key topic: 

    1. Day 5 : periodic table of elements and Vocabulary. What makes water turn into steam? States of Matter, Sound, Molecules. 
    2. Day 6 (Materials for Level 5-8: metal hanger, 2 foot-long pieces of thread.  Experiment worksheet
  • History key topic: 

    1. Day 4:Read about the people who made the transcontinental railroad. Map and label the Central Pacific route and the Union Pacific route with the name of the man in charge of that railroad.
    2. Day 5: Alexander Graham Bell - Read news article. Write an email to someone and tell them about what you read in the news.
    3. Day 6: Watch movie about Alexander Graham Bell
  • PE/Health 

    1. Week 1: 
    • Stretching stretch 
    • warm up
    1. Week 2 : Fire Safety 
    • preventing wildfires 
    • campfire safety


    Let's check out these online homeschooling links.

    power homeschool

    bju press technology christian - classroom

    academy bright ideas press


    Physical Education


    Afternoon Reading Time.:

    • Abecka History
    • Abecka Science
    • BJU History
    • BJU Science
    • Apologia Zoology
    • Apologia Chemistry/Physics
    • Apologia Human Body
    • Farmer Boy
    • Free Play on Cellphones after lessons 


    Once your lessons are complete here are some games you might like relating to topics learned this week.

    game loot the king (online game)

    ✅ physics games (online game)

    seventh-grade (your choice of the game)

    Archimedes-lab optical_illusion (A notebook is suggested to solve this riddle.)

    matching game fractions (online game)

    picture a pyramid (A notebook is suggested to solve this riddle.)

    math primary  (online game)

    Mastermind History  (online game)


    Feb 2022