Friday, June 29, 2018


Feeling tired? 
Electrolytes lacking?  
Need a new drink mix? 
Want to increase your vitamins-minerals with a flavorful drink? 
Check out Spark!

I highly recommend checking out the company AdvoCare!

Links above will take you to a friends site!

Eating Healthy!

Blogging about what we are eating seems silly, yet it away our family is tracking our nutritional habits. The children enjoy setting up our food as a prop to take photos.

June 29th

Smoothie mix: Cottage Cheese, Yogurt,  Pea Milk, Canned Pumpkin, Barley, Ground Tumeric, Ground Cloves, Ground Nutmeg, Ground Roasted Cinnamon!

The children love this recipe!
6oz cup for each family member.

A handful of Pecans and a handful of frozen raspberries!

Overnight slow cooker Rawon with a pork loin. Cooked in our homemade chicken bone broth. That was made yesterday.

From top left to bottom right:
Blended  Drink: see below
Rawon pork lion, squash, spinach pasta.
Kimchi homemade (* see our fermented post)
The children substituted the kimchi with lima beans.

Blended Drink: cup of ice, watermelon Spark, Gatorade powder, Pact juice cranberry- pomegranate fruit, and not show is a hibiscus tea DinoGal made yesterday. We dilute this mixed half and half with water.


Nature's Academy loves food.... FOOD! Here are some recipes, videos, photos, etc.

Kombucha and Kimchi 

Keto Diet Planning

Keto Diet

Lets talk about this idea.

FireRockDad and NatureTeacher have decided to try a Keto Diet during the summer. 

Please comment, leave links, videos, thoughts, etc. below in the comments. 

Would love suggestions on recipes with no sugar added: sugar in my terms is a sweetener. Stevia is a sugar! And I want to find recipes with no added sweetener. Our children in this home react oddly with sugars. The children in the house won't be following the Keto Diet yet if they happen to eat the foods we make I want it to be healthy for them.  Sugar or sweeteners set our children off into a ADHD sort of fits.  Thus far we live a generalized sugar-free lifestyle by having sweets only when visiting families homes. Below are some videos I thought might be helpful to others. 

Keto Connect:
Here is an adorable couple that lives a Keto lifestyle. This week I'm sharing their videos! 


Feb 2022