Cycle 3 Week 1 & Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 4
May 24th, 2018
Lego Man & T-Rex Girl
Morning Plan
Through the day we listened to discoverers_and_explorers a Librivox recording! ✅
For the fun of it, we listened to Dinosaur Song this morning.✅
Cycle 3 Week 1 Day 4
Make sure to write down the correct answers on your Daily Memory Worksheet.
History Sentence: Tell me about Columbus
In 1492, Columbus sailed the first of four trips to the Caribbean on three Spanish ships named the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
History Timeline
(create an answer key)
Geography - States & Capitals
Providence (RI) Rhode Island
Boston (MA) Massachusetts
Augusta (ME) Maine
Hartford (CT) Connecticut
Concord (NH) New Hampshire
Skip counting or Multiplying by
*3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33 ..... write as many as you can
*4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44 ..... write as many as you can
English - What is a preposition?
It relates a noun or pronoun to another word.
Latin - Noun cases
Nominative - Subject
Genitive - Possessive
Dative - Indirect Object
Accusative - Direct Object
Ablative - Object of the Proposition
Science - What are 4 types of tissue?
Stop Physical Education & Exercise Time!
Do each exercise motion 10 times.
Then stretch with yoga.✅✅ |
Worksheet time.
Please pull out these worksheets.
Choose a state and research its symbols.
Use a reference book only.
Label your 5 states of the week and all others states you know the Abbreviations for. ✅✅
Snack Brake - Restroom Brake
- LifePac - Grade 3 Unit 4 Section 1 - p. 1-14 Looking at Oregon
- Lego Man reading assignment ✅
Teaching Textbooks 4 ✅
Music to listen to while prepping lunch Music ✅
We listened to this throughout the day behind the audiobook and played both.
A video to watch during lunch kids request
- The Ball Comes Back? ✅
- 5. Throw a ball upwards from a car driving at 40km/h. The ball should be back on a car due to the law of speed and motion. Learn about the motion and speed. * Opps they had watched 75% of this video so we started another video.6.
- 6. The Mighty Strong Book - Depositing each page of two books accrues huge frictional force which will hang up a 130kg sumo wrestler. Learn about the frictional force. ✅
- mathXplosion ✅
- 4. That's So Twisted/ Pop Up Paper!/ The Tessell Nation!/ Take Note of Musical Fractions/ The Mysterious Multiplying Erics!/ This With That and That/ Weight To Go!/ Pick A Block of Dates, Any Block We will do a project this evening with Dad to do the art project.
- Xploration DIY SCI ✅
- 2. Inertia - Ever wonder how to pull a tablecloth out from under the dishes of a set table? Host Steve Spangler shows you how to do it, along with other experiments you can do at home that prove the laws of inertia. It all leads to a demonstration of how to build your own hovercraft!

Afternoon Plan
English Teacher
*Side note we did this at 4:30 pm we skipped the lesson and came back. Kids had built a fort and life went goofy.
Cycle 1 Week 1 Day 4
Get Out Your Daily Memory Worksheet Cycle 1- try and fill out the sheet with no help today.
Answer Key:
Make sure to write down the correct answers on your Daily Memory Worksheet.
History Sentence: tell me about Commandments 1-5 (need to double check this)
Thou Shall.... 1. Have no other gods before me. 2. Not make unto thee any engraven image. 3. Not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor thy father and mother: that thy days be long upon the land the Lord thy God giveth thee.
History Timeline
1. Age of Ancient Empires
2. Creation and the Fall
3.The Flood and the Tower of Babel
4. Mesopotamia and Sumer
5. Egyptians
6. Indus River Valley Civilization
7. Minoans and Mycenaeans
Geography - Fertile Cresent ( CHECK SPELLINGS)
1. Meteranien Sea
2. Mesopotamia
3. Efratus River
4. Tigrus River
5. Sumer
Skip counting or Multiplying by
*3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33 ..... write as many as you can
*4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44 ..... write as many as you can
English - What is an Infinitive?
An infinitive is to plus a verb; used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
Latin - Noun Cases
Nominative - Subject
Genitive - Possessive
Dative - Indirect Object
Accusative - Direct Object
Ablative - Object of the Preposition
Science-What are the classifications of living things?
You did it Cycle 1 & 3 are over for the day......
Lego Man
- Phonics Abecka read to Teacher ✅
- Phonics Hooked on Phonics do with Teacher
- Write spelling words twice in script format.✅
- Children did Spelling City
- Choose a Classified Animal for Zoology Class.✅
- Practice Sign Language Day Wednesday, boy, girl, man, woman✅
- Easy Grammar Workbook ✅
T-Rex Girl
- the Story of the World Volume 2
- Chapter 3 - p. 20-29 Read out loud to the family where you left off ✅
- Phonics Hooked on Phonics do with Teacher
- Write spelling words twice in script format.🅧 Not done!
- Choose a Classified Animal for Zoology Class.✅
- Practice Sign Language Day Wednesday, boy, girl, man, woman✅
- Easy Grammar Workbook ✅
Check Day When Complete!၍✅
Free Play
Today's free play was the children making forts in the sunroom and wanted to read more Story of the World. ✅
This post is for Record Keeping Purpose.
Notes of the Day: