Today we went to our libraries summer reading program opening!
The children Earned Raising Canes Free Kids Meals for reading, so went to Raising Canes for lunch today.
Week 2 Cycles might be studied for two weeks. Since there is a lot of information and because you have camp next week.
Today's lessons:
reading eggs
John 1 cursive copy work copy this in your notebook✅
John 1 cursive copy work Latin copy this in your notebook✅
Daily Devotions Book✅
DinoLady find your Bible.
clipart 120-1492-1606 - exploration discuss the topics we will study this summer. Can you find a picture relating to our current studies?
Memory Work for Classical Conversations: verbally review!
Cycle 1 Week 2 History Sentence: "Thou shall not kill, not commit adultery, not steal, not bear false witness against thy neighbor, not covet."
Cycle 3 Week 2 History Sentence:
Let's watch some videos on the big screen: cast the following link on the TV. Get out your daily memory worksheet and daily memory binder to review also.
Cycle 1 Week 2 Master Play List our YouTube Channel ✅
Cycle 1 Week 2
Cycle 3 Week 2 Master Play List our YouTube Channel
Cycle 3 Week 2
Foreign Languages:
American Sign Language:
ASL Video

Listen to this while looking at these sheets.
Vikings lets head to the library Teacher ordered you some books for the day.
Natures Academy Studies:
Viking - let's explore Viking this week! Do some research as a family. Yes, Viking came before Columbus and Pilgrims & Colonial Times; yet we had spiked this subject and need to do a general study on Vikings. Where did Vikings come from? What did mommies DNA results show? What project do you want to do about Vikings?
Get out your explores binder we will start working on a Vikings project this week. BYE BYE Columbus!
Today is Vikings day here at Nature's Academy!
Books checked out at our local Library
We will read these and leave a book review afterward.
Our daughter plans to do a book report on each book.✅
Today we read chapters 1-3 on our ride to and from the library!
Our son plans to have the dragon book read to him.
I plan for him to read a chapter.
And plan to get him to do a report when he finishes the book.
We will also be doing some Viking projects. Viking were an import part of American History!
Also below are some Viking Videos suggest to me!
This is a video list that has not been reviewed yet........
Once reviewed we might edit or remove some from the list below!
India is this months country Lets work with the curriculum My Father's World
We had a long break from this program lets start it back up this summer.
My Fathers World: Week: India
Indian Princess
Teacher-led topic! My Fathers World Curriculum! This week we will learn to find and identify India on a map. Know its capital. And start doing general research. We will study India as our country for a month of June. Week :

Makeup lessons for Monday!States in North America
Geography Cycle 3 Week 2
Geography Cycle 3 Week 2
maps usa numbers Here is a new map; what are your thoughts?
look up today's state Pick a state! Look up your state on this link!
state-maps Find the state you choose!
maps/usa Find the state you choose!
teacher link
Read a book about the state: Work on your State symbol Work Sheet!
Identify and find your 5 new states! Work on your state Abbreviation worksheet!
Albany, New York
Trenton, New Jersey
Harrisburg, Pennisavaian
Annapolis, Maryland
Dover, Delaware
Charleston, West Virginia

Animaniacs - The Presidents Song
THE PRESIDENTS SONG: George Washington to Donald Trump

Every Map Of Louisiana Is A Lie
Teacher-led topic! Louisiana worksheets - Get out the binder for Louisiana!

today lets explore this website homeschoolclipart.
1.Animal Cell
2.Plant Cell
3.Human Brain
4.Lung Anatomy
Online Science Game
English :
Prepositions! What are Prepositions? CC
From our library!
Spike read proudly both books at lunch today at Raising Canes:
What is the point of a timeline? Lets really create a timeline today.
1.Math Binder
2. XtraMath Online
3.matific online math
4. Teaching Textbook 4
Math well I know you both love math worksheets and games but slow it down. Limit your selves to one math lesson a day per the following books or programs. Don't forget about your math drills and math binder.

If you complete your math above you may then go play math online. Prodigy or Moby Max, x-tra math, or mathific, or math tablet game.
Try not to laugh too hard at the following videos....
I challenge you to figure out how I made these videos!
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