Monday, September 16, 2019

BSA Canoeing


Please note this Blog is meant to help my own students to be able to earn this Merit Badge. This Blog is ran and managed by the scouts themselves plus all members of our family. We are currently studying the same subjects in our homeschool. The content in this blog is not attended to replace BSA materials but rather to organize all our materials into one place. We attend as a family to add photos, videos, youtube videos, and any other content we can find that relates to this subject below! Hope this can help your scout! Our scouts are new to scouting.  Have any connect to share or suggested changes?

For several centuries, the canoe was a primary method of travel for explorers and settlers. Today, it remains an important part of the wilderness experience and an enjoyable leisure activity that teaches communication, teamwork, and physical fitness.

1) Do the following:

a. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while participating in canoeing activities and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards.
b. Review prevention, symptoms, and first-aid treatment for the following injuries or illnesses that could occur while canoeing: blisters, cold-water shock and hypothermia, dehydration, heat-related illnesses, sunburn, sprains, and strains.
c. Discuss the BSA Safety Afloat policy. Tell how it applies to canoeing activities.

2) Before doing the following requirements, successfully complete the BSA swimmer test: Jump feetfirst into water over the head in depth. Level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy, resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating.

3) Do the following:
a. Name and point out the major parts of a canoe.
b. Describe how the length and shape of a canoe affect its performance.
c. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different materials used to make canoes.

4) Do the following:
a. Name and point out the parts of a paddle. Explain the difference between a straight and bent-shaft paddle and when each is best used.
b. Demonstrate how to correctly size a paddle for a paddler in a sitting position and a kneeling position.

5) Do the following:
a. Discuss with your counselor the characteristics of life jackets most appropriate for canoeing and tell why a life jacket must always be worn while paddling.
b. Demonstrate how to select and properly fit the correct size life jacket.

6) Discuss with your counselor the general care and maintenance of canoes, paddles, and other canoeing equipment.

7) Do the following:
a. Discuss what personal and group equipment would be appropriate for a canoe camping trip. Describe how personal and group equipment can be packed and protected from water.
b. Using the containers and packs from requirement 7a, demonstrate how to load and secure the containers and other equipment in the canoe.
c. Using appropriate knots, including a trucker’s hitch, tautline hitch, and bowline, demonstrate how to secure a canoe to a vehicle or a trailer, or if these are not available, a rack on land.

8) With a companion, use a properly equipped canoe to demonstrate the following:
a. Safely carry and launch the canoe from a dock or shore (both, if possible).
b. Safely land the canoe on a dock or shore (both, if possible) and return it to its proper storage location.
c. Demonstrate kneeling and sitting positions in a canoe and explain the proper use for each position.
d. Change places while afloat in the canoe.

9) With a companion, use a properly equipped canoe to demonstrate the following:
a. In deep water, exit the canoe and get back in without capsizing.
b. Safely perform a controlled capsize of the canoe and demonstrate how staying with a capsized canoe will support both paddlers.
c. Swim, tow, or push a swamped canoe 50 feet to shallow water. In the shallow water, empty the swamped canoe and reenter it.
d. In deep water, rescue a swamped canoe and its paddlers by emptying the swamped canoe and helping the paddlers safely reenter their boat without capsizing.

10) With a companion, use a properly equipped canoe to demonstrate the following paddling strokes as both a bow and stern paddler.

a. Forward stroke
b. Backstroke
c. Draw
For stern paddling only:
d. J-stroke
e. Pushaway
f. Forward sweep
g. Reverse sweep
h. Rudder stroke
i. Stern pry
11) Using the strokes in requirement 10, and in an order determined by your counselor, use a properly equipped canoe to demonstrate the following tandem maneuvers while paddling on opposite sides and without changing sides. Each paddler must demonstrate these maneuvers in both the bow and stern and on opposite paddling sides:
a. Pivot or spin the canoe in either direction.
b. Move the canoe sideways or abeam in either direction.
c. Stop the canoe.
d. Move the canoe in a straight line for 50 yards.
12) Use a properly equipped canoe to demonstrate solo canoe handling:
a. Launch from shore or a pier (both, if possible).
b. Using a single-blade paddle and paddling only on one side, demonstrate proper form and use of the forward stroke, backstroke, draw stroke, pushaway stroke, forward sweep, reverse sweep, and J-stroke. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
c. Using a single-blade paddle and paddling only on one side, demonstrate proper form and use of a combination of a forward stroke, rudder stroke, and stern pry by canoeing to a target 50 yards away. Repeat while paddling on the other side.
d. Make a proper landing at a dock or shore (both, if possible). Store canoe properly (with assistance, if needed).

Discuss the following types of canoeing:
a. Olympic canoe sprint
b. Flatwater and river touring
c. Outrigger
d. Marathon
e. Freestyle
f. Whitewater
g. Canoe poling

Suggested Websites:
American Canoe Association 108 Hanover St. Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Telephone: 540-907-4460 Website: 
American Whitewater P.O. Box 1540 Cullowhee, NC 28723 Telephone: 866-262-8429 Website: 
USA Canoe/Kayak 725 S. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73129 Telephone: 405-552-4040 Website: 
United States Canoe Association Website:

What we have learned so far and must share:

Our family has been studying American History at home for the last serval years. Recently we started studying more modern American History. Our children love learning about Early America and the different Native American tribes. We have studied about different water vessels and means of transportation.

Weekend Trip ~ Son and father with BSA Scouting!  (coming Soon)

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