Thursday, March 19, 2020

BSA Safety Merit Badge

Safety Merit Badge

Please note this Blog is meant to help my own students to be able to earn this Merit Badge. This Blog is ran and managed by the scouts themselves plus all members of our family. We are currently studying the same subjects in our homeschool. The content in this blog is not attended to replace BSA materials but rather to organize all our materials into one place. We attend as a family to add photos, videos, youtube videos, and any other content we can find that relates to this subject below! I hope this can help your scout! Our scouts are new to scouting.  Have any comments to share or suggested changes?

This week the scouts are taking Online Merit Badge Classes due to the 

covid-19 of March 2020 ...

What we have learned so far and must share:

***ArtyScout  -  Blog Post: describing his Merit Badge

Please note I'm in the editing mode for this blog page. My scouts are currently taking this class this week and the children are helping me to edit this post daily.  Come back soon to see the finished project!


Worksheets Safety

Requirements for the Safety merit badge:

  1. Explain what safety is and what it means to be safe. Then prepare a notebook to include:
    1. Newspaper, internet (with parent's or guardian's permission), or other articles, facts, and statistics showing common types and causes of injuries in the home and in the workplace, and how these injuries could be prevented.
    2. Newspaper, internet (with parent's or guardian's permission), or other articles, facts, and statistics showing common kinds of crimes and ways to avoid being a crime victim.
    3. A paragraph or more, written by you, explaining how a serious fire, accident, or crime could change your family life.
    4. A list of safe practices and safety devices currently used by your family, such as safety practices used at home, while working, and while driving.
  2. Do the following:
    1. Using a safety checklist approved by your counselor, make an inspection of your home. Identify any hazards found and explain how these can be corrected.
    2. Review and develop your family's fire prevention plan. Review your family's emergency action plan for fire in your home. As you develop these plans with family members, share with them facts about the common causes of fire in the home, such as smoking, cooking, electrical appliances, and candles.
  3. Do the following:
    1. Discuss with your counselor how you contribute to the safety of yourself, your family, and your community.
    2. Show your family members how to protect themselves and your home from accidents, fire, burglary, robbery, and assault.
    3. Discuss with your counselor the tips for online safety. Explain the steps individuals can take to help prevent identity theft.
    4. Discuss with your counselor the three R's of Youth Protection and how to recognize child abuse.
  4. Show your family the exits you would use from different public buildings (such as a theater, municipal building, library, supermarket, shopping center, or your place of worship) in the event of an emergency. Teach your family what do in the event that they need to take shelter in or evacuate a public place.
  5. Make an emergency action plan for five family activities outside the home (at your place of worship, at a theater, on a picnic, at the beach, and while traveling, for example). Each plan should include an analysis of possible hazards, proposed action to correct hazards, and reasons for the correction you propose in each plan.
  6. Plan and complete a safety project approved by your counselor for your home, school, place of worship, place of employment, or community.
  7. Explain what the National Terrorism Advisory System is and how you would respond to each type of alert.
  8. Learn about three career opportunities in the field of safety. Pick one career and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this choice with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.

Suggested Websites:

✅ The children viewed all the links below!

AAA Foundation for Traffc Safety

American Association of Poison Control Centers

American Red Cross

American Society of Safety Engineers

ASTM International

Church Mutual Insurance

Federal Emergency Management Agency

FM Global (FM)

National Fire Protection Association

National Highway Traffc Safety Administration

National Safety Council

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Ready Campaign

Safe Kids

Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL)

U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

U.S. National Library of Medicine



Our Scouts Specific Merit Badge Online Class:

✅ Day 1 Online Class was a challenge:

This was DinoScout's First Merit Badge Class. She has earned Merit Badges before yet never in a class setting she learned today that online lectures mean just sitting and listening. She did have fun trying to quickly respond to questions asked, she hoped to answer before the other scouts. Both scouts were extremely happy to have the answer read aloud by a speaker. Artyscout found online classes strange yet fun; he has always attend classes in person during a camp. The scouts have a decent amount of class research homework and even a project. I believe the workload is a great balance for these homeschooling children to learn how to do tasks on a set time table. We have been exploring website after website learning about safety... The children had no idea we already practiced so many safety habits. They're excited about how different this Merit Badge is since it is online. The children worked on there own to do these Merit Badges; I just sat back and recorded what they did. I'm grateful that the kids remember that they can save pdf documents I was able to save there links because of it.  


Today Day 1 they worked primarily on: 
Step 2 below: Safety Req 1-SA Online Form &  Safety Req 7-SA Online Form


Here are the links ArtyScout found to share for his homework tonight:

ArtyScout  Safety Req 1-SA Online Form Content

✅ Workplace Injuries

✅ Common Nursing Home Injury Types

✅ The Top 5 Causes of Head Injuries and How to Avoid Them

✅ 7-Ways-to-Avoid-Becoming-a-Victim-of-a-Hate-Crime

✅ Prevent-Becoming-a-Victim-of-Crime

✅ Brief Definitions of Common Criminal Offenses

Part C & D contained personal content! 

ArtyScout  Safety Req 7-SA Online Form Content

One useful resource is: 
✅  Research the National Terrorism Advisory System. 
✅ Explore the page and review the Frequently Asked Questions.  
Both children viewed and read a lot of this website yesterday and more today. 
✅ Discuss your findings with your family.

*List the TWO forms of severity an NTAS alert may take:  
✅ ArtyScouts answer: Elevated and Imminent

*Explain what you should do if an NTAS alert is issued, depending on its level of severity: 
✅ ArtyScouts answer: Bulletin alert! I would be more alert to the news


Here are the links DinoScout found to share for her homework tonight:

Step 2 below: Safety Req 1-SA Online Form &  Safety Req 7-SA Online Form

Here are the links DinoScout found to share for his homework tonight:

DinoScout  Safety Req 1-SA Online Form Content

✅ Burn Statistics

✅ 10 Most Common Accidents in the Home and How to Treat Them

✅ The Top 5 Causes of Workplace Injuries in the U.S.

✅ Ways to avoid being a victim

✅ 7 Most Common Criminal Offenses in the U.S.

✅ How to Prevent Becoming a Victim of Crime

Part C & D contained personal content! 

DinoScout  Safety Req 7-SA Online Form Content

One useful resource is: 
✅  Research the National Terrorism Advisory System. 
✅ Explore the page and review the Frequently Asked Questions.  
Both children viewed and read a lot of this website yesterday and more today. 
✅ Discuss your findings with your family.

*List the TWO forms of severity an NTAS alert may take:  
DinoScouts answer: Elevated and Alert

*Explain what you should do if an NTAS alert is issued, depending on its level of severity: 

DinoScouts answer: For bulletin don't do anything elevated keep an eye out for suspicious activity And for Alert take shelter


Notes from the class instructors: 

✅ Step 1: Get approval from your personal troop.

Step 2:  Download the REQUIREMENTS listing for the badges being offered. 
Review the requirements for SAFETY (page 5).  Those that are in darker text will be covered during each online session or be part of a focused activity you will do at home; requirements in lighter text will either not be covered or will require follow-up work after sessions are complete.  Our sessions will only cover 80%-90% of the is up to YOU to complete this badge. 
✅ Step 3:  Surf...the WEB!  Go online and search for statistics on common accidents/injuries, and crime rates for your state and/or community.  Complete this form: 
This form must be completed by the end of the final session to receive credit. 
✅ Step 4:  Learn about the National Terrorism Alert System (NTAS) online: 
Then complete the following form: 
✅ Step 5: Join our PBS Online Study Class! 
Click the link at the bottom of the pop-up window that says "I need to sign up!" and create a user name.
Enter your name (it will only require your first name*) and join the class. 
You will get an assignment during Session 1 by e-mail that will use this class portal. 
*If you have multiple Scouts in one household, make your name YOUR LAST NAME and the word “Family” so all Scouts get credit. 
NOTE:  If this does not work for you, do NOT worry!  I will go over this tool during day 1 of the Course, so do NOT PANIC!

When you sign into each day’s session, you will be able to hear and see the presenter.  You will also be able to TYPE questions on a chat field that the presenter will be able to answer.  You will be given a brief “tutorial” on how to use the online tools to complete activities and tests throughout each session.  Your participation and use of these resources will be important to your completion of requirements during each session.  Failure to participate during sessions and/or failure to complete assigned tasks between sessions will limit the number of requirements you will be given credit for. 
A video will be provided after each day’s session for you to review after as needed; missed sessions due to conflicts can be “made up for” by watching that day’s video, but daily tasks MUST be completed for credit! 

You will receive more reminders on these items (and maybe some additional helpful “tips” and resources) by e-mail between now and Monday.  Please plan on being ON TIME for the start of your first session.


What we have learned so far and must share:

* DinoScout

*Arty Scout

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