Wednesday, March 25, 2020

BSA Pets Merit Badge

Pets Merit Badge

Please note this Blog is meant to help my own students to be able to Advance in Scouting by staying organized. This Blog is run and managed by the scouts themselves plus all members of our family. The content in this blog is not attended to replace BSA materials but rather to organize all our materials into one place. I hope this can help your scout! Have any comments to share or suggested changes?

Requirements for the Pets merit badge:

  1. Present evidence that you have cared for a pet for four months. Get approval before you start.
    • Work done for other merit badges cannot be used for this requirement.
  2. Write in 200 words of more about the care, feeding, and housing of your pet. Tell some interesting facts about it. Tell why you have this kind of pet. Give local laws, if any, relating to the pet you keep.
  3. Show that you have read a book or pamphlet, approved by your counselor, about your kind of pet. Discuss with your counselor what you have learned from what you read.
  4. Do ONE of the following:
    1. Show your pet in some pet show.
    2. Start a friend raising a pet like yours. Help your friend get a good start.
    3. Train a pet in three or more tricks or special abilities.

Suggested Websites

American Cat Fanciers Association

American Humane Association

American Kennel Club

The Humane Society of the United States


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Feb 2022