Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Second Online Metting Online:   March 31st, 2020

Second Online Meeting Outline and Homework


An example of how to fold a flag.

Aside from starting meeting with Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Oath, Scout Law and Outdoor Code we should focus on the following requirements about Knots!


2. A) Demonstrate practical use for a square knot (length 1:10)

2. B) Demonstrate practical use for two half hitches (length 4:32)

2. C) Demonstrate practical use for a taut-line hitch (length 2:07)


4. B) Show the proper care of a rope by learning how to whip and fuse the ends 
Fuse a Rope    (length 0:53)

How to Whip A Rope  (length 4:54)

4. A) Show how to tie a square knot, two half-hitches, and taut-line hitch. Explain how each is used.

Play knot tying game and/or have each Scout show each knot once they have tied it.

Let's  Play  A  Game

Games that we can do at home:

A frugal way to learn the Law

Reminder about the cyberchip 

and a link to the workbook BSA-Cyber-Chip Workbook

BSA Workbooks Scout  &  BSA Workbooks Tenderfoot 
These can be helpful to remind you what to do to rank up in scouting

Things I have been doing this week: 
Merit Badge Chart

Learning about Why some Merit Badges have a silver ring while others have a green ring.

Did you know Silver are Eagle Scout Required? Green are electives!

Time to Chat: 

  1. Tell me something fun you have done recently.
  2. What have you learned about this week? 
  3. What do you want to learn about in upcoming meetings?
  4. Do you have any suggestions?

Homework to be sent out prior to the meeting:

Sometime during the week, perform a physical fitness test and have your parent/guardian record your results. The test needs to include doing as many push-ups as possible (in one minute or less), do as many sit-ups as possible (in one minute or less) and run/walk 1-mile. I would recommend a 1-2 minutes break between exercises. You also need to do a back-saver sit and reach (basically sit on the floor with one foot stretched out in front and reach for your toes). The following video (length 2:57) demonstrates how you properly measure your stretch.

*** Please be sure to properly stretch before and after your fitness test***

After completing the test, you will need to start tracking your daily physical activity. It’s recommended that you do at least 30-minutes of activity each day for a minimum of five days per week. You will need to do this for 90 days (30 days each for Tenderfoot, 2nd Class and 1st Class). The tracker can also be used towards the 90-days requirement for the Personal Fitness merit badge. A sample tracker will be provided or you can create your own version.

See Fitness Log via e-mail/excel document.

Example Fitness Log

Activities Duration in minutes
Week 1 7/1-7/7
Monday Play outside 60
Tuesday Hiked at Tickfaw State Park 40
Wednesday Swim/Play outside 30/45
Thursday Chopped Wood, picked up the yard 60
Friday Swim @ beach 120
Saturday Cave Tour 120
Sunday Play outside 35

Something Mom and I found online. 
I plan to start this next month with Mom.

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