Tuesday, August 27, 2019

6th grade week 1-3

August 2nd through August 31, 2019
Week two and three's materials are going to span over a two-week span due to timing of schooling materials and due to not completing work the first two weeks. August is the children birthday month so we have a more relaxed schedule. We generally school year-round and do two semsters though the school year. 

Links for the month:

the-periodic-table-of-elements  (videos - learning to pronounce elements) 

current events or news  (articles - events we found worth to share)

audio-book-librivox  (audio list - we choose a new book weekly)

Latin YouTube (videos - learning to pronounce Latin)

Preamble (videos - learning history)

6th Grade: Week 1

The Good and The Beautiful English

Climbing to Good English




My Fathers World Country and Cultures Curriculum 

my-fathers-world-exploring-countries-week 1(videos)

My Fathers World 1850's to Modern Times Curriculum 

((teachers)) my-fathers-world-1850s-modern-times (teachers notes)

Latin - Binder Curriculum and latin youtube videos
American Sign Language- videos and flashcards and months of the year at dinner
Japanese - flashcards and months of the year
Spanish - Muzzy and flashcards and months of the year

6th Grade Week 2

The Good and The Beautiful English

Climbing to Good English

Math Binder


classical-conversations-cycle-1-week-2 (videos)

classical-conversations-cycle-3-week-22 (videos)

My Fathers World Country and Cultures Curriculum 

my-fathers-world-exploring-countries - week 2 (videos)

My Fathers World 1850's to Modern Times Curriculum 

my-fathers-world-1850-modern-time-week-2 (videos)

Latin - Binder Curriculum and latin youtube videos
American Sign Language- videos and flashcards and months of the year at dinner
Japanese - flashcards and months of the year

Spanish Muzzy and flashcards and months of the year

6th Grade Week 3

Wake up Routine

Bible & Breakfast (Review Spanish and Japanese words with Daddy will having Bible family time)

Tutoring (at 7am online twice a week for Phonics)

Exercises - (Morning stretches to get our minds motivated)

The Good and The Beautiful English (a lesson a day)

Climbing to Good English  (a lesson a day) 

Physical Education - (run laps, walk the dogs, do cardio, and then more stretches)  (tracking our progress for BSA scouting for a Merit Badge)

Life of Fred Math (read a chapter a day) (while having a snack) ( Arty Scout is timing himself to see how long he can stay focused reading a chapter; a normal chapter is 5 to 8 pages long double spaced and large font.)

Usborne Math Dictionary (we draw a key topic of the day in a bullet journal, graphic notebook journal, or in our daily thinking tree journals)

My Father's World Daily Math Drill (This boxed worksheet set allows the children to solve math equations by placing the stock card on top of a sheet of paper through slits of open space the children answer equations. Monday Addition, Tuesday Subtraction, Wednesday Multiplication, Thursday Division) (the lesson is timed for 5 minutes) 

Teaching textbooks Grade 5 & 6 Math On the Computer   

Math Binder (a binder created by me - composed of BJU 4th Grade Math, Abecka 5th Grade Math, Abecka 6th Grade Math, Saxon 4/5 Math, and a pile of other workbooks)

Cooking with an Audio Book (mental downtime soft talking)

Lunch  (during lunch we watch and listen to CC videos or the CC CD-rom) and (color or create in our journals) afterward ( we answer some questions about CC on a blank format paper found at this link halfahundredacrewood.

classical-conversations-cycle-1-week-3 (videos)

classical-conversations-cycle-3-week-23 (videos)

Nap or quiet time in your own bedroom. 
(Play Legos, build with logs, get creative with your arts and crafts, Journal, free reading, chat with friends on Facebook Messanger, just play for an hour. Do something you love for you and you alone. Downtime means time to your self for an hour. Please use this time wisely; no investigating what your sibling is doing.)

My Fathers World Country and Cultures Curriculum 

my-fathers-world-exploring-countries - week 3 (videos)

My Fathers World 1850's to Modern Times Curriculum 

my-fathers-world-1850-modern-time-week-3 (videos)

Family Movie Time

Latin - Binder Curriculum and latin youtube videos

During Free Time After School:
The following badge contains information we are studying about this year. Choose one of the merit badges your interested learning about today. You can start working as many of these as you would like. Just write down what you're doing currently and keep it all in a binder, or school area.

bsa- scout-merit-badges.html

Daily English Binder

Math Binder (a binder created by me - composed of BJU 4th Grade Math, Abecka 5th Grade Math, Abecka 6th Grade Math, Saxon 4/5 Math, and a pile of other workbooks)

Book Basket Time

Free Time once Homework is done

Meal Prep (while the children take turns cooking with me; the other child reads there Science or History Textbook aloud to us.)

Dinner and a Conversation

American Sign Language (videos, flashcards and months of the year at dinner)

Japanese - flashcards and months of the year at dinner

Spanish Muzzy and flashcards and months of the year at dinner

Family Book Basket Time

Family Prayer Time

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